Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time To Get Your Vision Checked.

Just like Christianity and Cajun cooking, there is, in my opinion, a holy trinity of American Cookware.

In the past I have blogged about two parts of this trinity before, Pyrex and traditional white Corning Ware. Today I want to talk about the third part of this sacred grouping which straddles both Pyrex and Corning Ware. (And yes I did just use the words sacred and straddles in the same sentence.)

In case you haven't already been introduced; please meet Visions - a line of amber and cranberry colored clear glass cookware by Corning. It looks more like Pyrex to me, but is made by Corning. Visions was introduced in the early 1980's and the original pieces were made in France before finally settling into a life of production in the US.

On the right you will see the wonderful 4.5 quart dutch oven (available here) in amber (the more popular/common color).

Now, here is why I love this stuff.

1. It can be used on the stove top and that just thrills me. Still. I love to be in the kitchen and turn to look at the stove and see the glass pot sitting directly on the gas flame and the pot can handle it. It makes me feel good about the quality of glass cooking my food.

2. I can see what's going on in there. These are my favorite pots for popping popcorn. We all want to watch the bread rising in the oven as it cooks, right? Being able to watch food change from one state to another is very interesting to me and these pots keep you informed of what's going on in there. Visions makes typical metal pans seem so secretive.

3. Easy to clean. This may be just me, but using a scourer on a metal pot is like scraping fingernails down a chalkboard.

4. No loose handles. I have a stainless pot that no matter how many times I have tried to fix it with the screwdriver, the handle starts rattling around after a week or two. Not so with Visions.

I could go on. I think these look lovely displayed too, if you have open shelving in your kitchen.

We have added a lot of Visions Ware to our store recently. It won't last long in there, but you are sure to own any pieces you purchase for years and years to come! For all the Visions items currently available in our store click and visit So Dishy!

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